Monday, 30 July 2007

graduation eligibility

an external student from the university of southern queensland is currently studying a university degree in the bachelor of information technology majoring in information technology management. he has previously completed an informatics academy diploma in computer studies majoring in multimedia and the internet in december 2005. his commencement date of the usq degree was in semester one 2006. 24 units are required to graduate. he has been offered 16 exemptions from the diploma, so he only has to complete 8 units to graduate. however, he has previously completed statistics 121 in curtin university of technology, a member of the australian technology network and one of the top 200 universities in the world. so he has been awarded an exemption for sta2300 data analysis in semester one 2006 because of advanced standing or recognition of prior learning. a unit exemption leads to a usq credit transfer. therefore he is only required to complete seven units to graduate. so far he has already passed the seven units required for graduation. but according to usq, he is not eligible to graduate because he was told that the maximum number of exemptions which can be awarded is 16. usq has awarded him 15 diploma exemptions and 1 degree exemption. he has only completed 7 units, so he has to complete one more unit before he can graduate.

he is arguing his case. he is claiming that he should be awarded 16 diploma exemptions and 1 degree exemption, in total 17 exemptions. he has already passed the remaining 7 units, so he should be eligible to graduate. usq should have informed him earlier that the degree exemption was part of the 16 exemptions granted. he was unaware that he has to enrol in one more unit until he made an enquiry last week. he is forced to rush to register for the unit before the unit enrolment deadline. if he was told earlier, he would have enrolled the additional unit in the previous semesters. he has already written in to usq to appeal his case. if the appeal fails he has no choice but to complete the unit in semester two 2007.

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