Sunday, 29 July 2007

chicken rice

went to cheong chin nam rd to bungkus boon tong kee chicken rice. sgd3.80 for chicken rice set meal, plus sgd0.20 gst, so altogether sgd4.00. jesus f***ing christ holy c*** i swore out aloud, why must pay 7% gst, it used to be 5%, no wonder must pay and pay. i hope the money is put to good use. my next stop was giant hypermarket turf city where i purchased some corn chips (staple diet for computing professionals). yep giant opens late during the weekends, on weekdays it closes pretty early. turf city was dead deserted by the time i got there, there is a road that leads to nowhere after making the right turn into the giant carpark. the road really leads into pitch black darkness. don't wanna venture into that dark and lonely place. that road reminds me of the road where a female jogger was murdered while jogging. yikes that place gives me the creeps. turf city used to be the former race course which has now shifted to kranji.

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