Friday, 8 June 2007


I was hoping to photograph a rainbow when it was raining during the sunset, but alas there was no rainbow, or even a water spout for that matter. The sun was hiding behind the clouds for quite a while before it came into view. All pictures were taken with a Canon Powershot A430 with no post-processing.

manual, 1/1600, F5.6, spot, ISO100, 5.4mm, cloudy, single AF

manual, 1/1600, F5.6, evaluative, ISO100, 5.4mm, cloudy, single AF

manual, 1/1600, F5.6, center weighted average, ISO100, 5.4mm, cloudy, single AF

manual, 1/1600, F5.6, spot, ISO100, 5.4m
m, cloudy, single AF

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